Fear Kills cancer patients

June 2, 2015

Fear, is one of the most powerful emotions, and energy of our being. It comes over us without us noticing it; if we try to avoid it, say we will not be fearful, it seems futile as it seeps in, taking over. Why do we allow fear to take over, or do we allow it, does it just appear or can we find a way out of it?

Certain events and moments in our life bring on uncontrollable fear, it grabs hold of us and does not let go, and we often become dependent upon it, finding it comforts us in a strange unsettling way. The diagnosis of cancer; suddenly brings up our fear level, brings it to the top, grabs hold of any sensible thinking, taking over how we think. We do not even want to think, we just let our minds race about, sending memories forward, thinking these memories are all we have left, there will be no more memories made, our lives are over, cancer has taken over.

We can also allow fear to take over our rational thinking, it tries telling us fear is a safety mechanism and if we believe this, we allow fear to control our lives. When we fear an outcome, we allow fear to comfort us and prevent us from thinking reasonably.

I recently observed the power of fear, so powerful the fear control over the rational thinking system quite literally has put life in grave danger. The fear of what a diagnosis could completely take control, making it sound logical to wait, that time was on his side when in fact, time was the enemy, just like the fear was; but fear made the waiting decision seem a good idea.

I have also observed more frequently how doctors and other health professionals use fear tactics to convince patients they need to do chemotherapy or radiation, possibly surgery. Such fear is used to make a person make a decision they might not otherwise do. One woman said they calmly told her they would explore what was there, and not to worry; she woke up from surgery to find they had removed a great portion of her organs. She said the fear of dying from cancer was instilled in her mind if she did not tell them – okay. We have heard stories of breasts removed, organs removed, and parts of limbs removed; all in the name of fear to die if they did not do so. Patients are intimidated and called until they give in, says one woman:” they [the doctor’s office] called me endlessly trying to get me to do chemo, telling me if I did not do this I would die.”

What about when a patient decides against chemo and radiation; turning to other means to cure themselves, and the calls of fear increase? Doctors take it upon themselves to call patients with an intro of caring and compassion when in fact they are drumming up chemo and radiation business. Why do we assume this? When a patient insists after many scare tactic calls, they will not do the chemo or radiation; the doctors are known to become rude and nasty. Screaming at patients often is a doctor’s last hope to changing the minds of patients. “ If you don’t do the chemo – YOU WILL DIE! DO YOU HEAR ME – YOU ARE GOING TO DIE WITHOUT THE CHEMO” Is that caring and compassion or a sign that the sale was not made, no chemo sold today.

Fear kills, I said I observed the fear of cancer, due to society putting it in the minds of all, completely overtake this gentleman. He only hid from it, not wanting to accept cancer's existence and then overcoming cancer, something a logical person should be able to do. My friend was highly educated holding a doctorate yet when faced with cancer he shrunk into a deep dark place completely frozen in fear. The death of our Jesicha was indeed a catalyst however he rationally could not face it, hope stared at him but the doctors and nurses let cancer loom over him. If he went into a wait-and-see mode, he put off the fear of cancer; this proved how fear can kill.

When cancer cases become unresponsive to conventional treatments doctors turn to a different fear tactic – YOU have become unresponsive to our treatments, and we [the medical establishment] fear there is nothing more and YOU will die. The death sentence. People immediately go into a death march; they believe the words, the doctor fears for me, and there is nothing more. This fear kills the patient, even if there is hope elsewhere many are in the – I am doomed – mode.

For some, they find the strength and find a treatment. Many find themselves in remission. This is a time for celebration; however, there are those that seek approval or perhaps they seek revenge on the doctors that gave them the ‘Death Sentence’. For a few this proves fatal. We have witnessed cases where all scans and tests indicate NO Cancer; however, doctors don’t like being told they were wrong or incapable of curing it. In the cases we have experienced, doctors have told the patient they were stupid, naïve, or in denial of their terminal condition. In spite of the test results, they were screamed at until they nearly collapsed in fear of looming death. Family members witnessing this are in shock. Yet in spite of all the negative test results showing no cancer these people succumb within days or weeks, all due to total fear. Fear kills.

This is a time when HOPE is the greatest tool, a weapon against fear; when you have hope there is peace in your thinking, you allow your universal intuition to take over, suppress fear; pushes fear away, allowing an open clear mind. Fear allowed to take over your rational thinking, keeping you from facing a diagnosis, where you can use HOPE to discover practical solutions, is putting yourself on a road to disaster. Fear allowed to overcome the truth of having beat your cancer, where HOPE could flow in to wash away the fear-mongering words of looming death, where there is none; this puts you on the road to your grave. Fear can be overcome but you have to push it away, block off fear from your conscience mind, let HOPE come in from your unconscious; fill yourself up with that strength to push out fear.

We cannot allow fear to control us, when it prevents us from making rational decisions, fear is allowed to kill us, setting us up for a premature death; HOP E is there, and we must keep fear out of our life equation. After observing fear taking a life when HOPE could have made such a decision, we must work hard to prevent fear from taking such control. If you see fear readying itself to take a life; throw HOPE in the face of such fear.

I say, do not fear the diagnosis, there is always hope; do not avoid hearing the diagnosis by avoiding tests; use HOPE to face fear head-on; it is our only weapon against fear.  When a doctor stares you down and starts to use scare tactics to coerce you into chemo or radiation, or surgery you don’t want; use HOPE to face it down, it is a stronger weapon because it comes from something stronger. If you overcome cancer don’t listen to those that could not cure you, tell you they know you still have it; such fear tactics are to weaken you to strengthen their ego; face it down with HOPE, let it weaken their ego, or face your urge to confront and use HOPE to move on in life. When we allow fear in our lives we jeopardize our safety; fear kills when we allow it control over hope.  Do Not fear, go gently into your future with HOPE as your sword.

If you are looking for hope, support, and a way to overcome cancer; Jesicha’s Hope has viable options that are effective and statistically put cancer into remission. Ask us for information and help. We never charge for hope. www.jesichashope.org or contact us: info@jesichashope.org







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updated January 2023 

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FOR ALL UNITED STATES VISITORS: FDA Required Disclaimer For Sites That Do Not Endorse Chemotherapy:

This web site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed professional. This site offers people medical information and tells them their alternative medical options, but in no way should anyone consider that this site represents the “practice of medicine.” This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Also note that this website frequently updates its contents, due to a variety of reasons, therefore, some information may be out of date. The statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.